Content by day
Adventure planning by night
Hi I’m Kerri Hall.
I’m a freelance copywriter and content specialist living in Cornwall. I work with creatives, researchers and small businesses across the UK.
Thirteen years and twenty one countries after graduating in 2009, I’ve had an array of adventures, both professional and personal. The biggest of all becoming a Mum in 2022. Over 13 years I’ve worked for small businesses, charities, research centres and universities in the UK, Mexico and Australia.
I’m best known for my solution-focused approach to strategy and content creation, oh and my endless enthusiasm for efficiency and processes. I'm always up for a challenge!
Collaborating with film-makers, designers, web developers, writers, fundraisers and event managers has taught me always to question purpose. And to provide the coffee!
I’ve fallen for living by the sea in Cornwall, the place I finally call home. I’m lucky to work within a community of dedicated, creative, BBQ and beach loving folk.
What more could one want from life?